Our Work: Capacity Building and Technical Assistance

Capacity building and technical assistance are a primary foundation for how we assist rural communities, underserved and disadvantaged farmers, and farmworkers. Through grassroots engagement with our member organizations and communities, we can truly understand the needs of our communities.

List of active federal projects:


“Expanding Innovative Conservation Partnerships between the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers”

Goal: Expand and intensify the participation of historically underserved farmers in caring for the natural resources where they farm. We place a special emphasis on strategies to improve conservation readiness in demographic groups with a growing interest in entering farming, including socially disadvantaged, immigrant, veterans, young and women producers.


“Community Resilience Through Land Tenure Rights”

Goal: Identify land tenure related impediments to farmers’ abilities to operate, manage and pass farms to future generations; Develop educational strategies and policy recommendations to improve community resilience by undergirding this sector of producers with more secure land tenure arrangements.


“Community-Based Workforce to Increase COVID-19 Vaccinations in Underserved Communities”

Goal: To address health disparities in underserved racial and ethnic populations and individuals living in areas of high social vulnerability, the project will help educate and assist the target populations in accessing and receiving COVID-19 vaccinations.


“Securing Land Tenure Rights for Heirs Property Owners”

Goal: To strengthen the capacity for sustainable agriculture among underrepresented and limited-resource farmers by understanding and implementing solutions that strengthen land tenure, a significant quality of life factor for farmers and their communities.


“Sustaining Rural Communities through Beginning Farmer Mentorship, Training and Marketing”

Goal: To elevate the next generation of farmers and keep it going, building the essential network of relationships to sustainably support, share and learn from one another. The project goal is to expand and sustain the economic success and sustainability of New Entry African American and other socially disadvantaged beginning farmers in South Carolina, Alabama and beyond, improving access to fresh food in their historical African American communities and other communities alike.